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East Coast of Taiwan is home to several world-class scenic attractions. Part 2

Taroko (Hualien) / Taitung



▎Hualien - Liyu Lake Round-The-Lake Bike Path (鯉魚潭環潭自行車道)

The short Lake Liyu Circuit Cycleway in Hualien County is ideal for families and leisure bikers.

Less than twenty kilometers from Hualien City, Liyu Lake (鯉魚潭) is the largest lake in eastern Taiwan. Various activities can you enjoy in this area, such as a light-boat sailing on the lake or a bicycle tour encircling around the lake. You can also stroll along the lakeshore walkway, appreciating the flora and fauna there. The Liyu Lake Visitor Center is located at the north shore of the lake, exhibiting many educational materials related to Liyu Lake and East Rift Valley.

The name of lake origins from the Liyu Mountain beside the lake. Every year around April in the evening, thousands of fireflies flash above the lake, making the whole lake shimmer with light. Liyu Lake scenic area is suitable for all ages, especially for the whole family.

▎Hualien - Yun Shan Shuei Ecological Farm (雲山水)

Since famous actress Lin Yichen had a advertisement shoot for local soda in Yun Shan Shuei Ecological Farm, the secret place become one of the must-see Hualien attraction.

There are many villas, restaurants, cafés, whether it is a perfect place to enjoy a gourmet meal or a afternoon tea!



▎Hualien - Lin Tian Shan Cultural Museum (林田山文化館)

Lin Tian Shan Cultural Museum is located in Wanrong. For travelers who use our online itinerary creator, Wanrong holidays become easier to arrange, with trips to the Lin Tian Shan Cultural Museum and other attractions mapped out and timetabled.



▎Hualien - Fuyuan Forest Park (富源森林遊樂區)

Situated in Fuyuan Village of Rueisuei Township in Hualien County, Fuyuan National Forest Recreation Area ranges from 225 to 750 meters above sea level, spans 191 hectares, and has a mean annual temperature 23ºC. Unique environmental conditions such as dense forests, clear air, and clean streams make this area the best eco-tourist destination in eastern Taiwan.


Since the geology of this area is formed by Tertiary metamorphic rocks with various shapes and colors, the giant rocks in Fuyuan Creek are very colorful. There are magnificent cliffs upstream that even have a suspension bridge across the creek. Fuyuan Falls let out cool anions from atop the cliffs. A small canyon, with forest to either side, is the most beautiful natural landscape. The slope downstream is less steep. Its water is crystal blue and the rocks nearby are white and gray.



▎Hualien - Butterfly Valley Hot spring (蝴蝶谷溫泉)

After the hike in the forest, you can enjoy the outdoor hot spring and spa facilities. The hot spring comes from deep down the earth of Central Mountain Ranges would wash the worries away from your city life.


Fuyuan Butterfly Valley is one of the best place for eco tour in Taiwan. Due to the suitable climate and unique valley geometry, You can see butterflies (March to August), Fireflies (late March to early May for black-wing fireflies and October for Lanalis Fabricius) in the valley. The crystal clear "Write Stream" flow through this valley, attacting many speices come here and breed.

A Butterfly Eco House create a natural eco system for butterflies to bread and grow by using natural sunlight and rains. You can see different species of butterflies. It's a great place for educating the kids.

For outdoor lovers, there are many trail inside the park, one of the best is the "Creek Trail", leading to the highlight of this area: "Long Ying" Waterfall. The water gliding down through the crack of rocks, generating the negative irons to refresh the body and soul.


▎Hualien restaurant - Zhuyang Seafood Restaurant (竹陽海鮮餐廳 )

Zhuyang Seafood Restaurant, which has been reported by many media, still adopts the ordering method of Taiwanese old restaurants and orders directly in front of the aquarium.

"Fresh food and fair prices" is a well-recognized reputation of Zhuyang Seafood Restaurant.


▎Hualien - Whale Watching (花蓮港賞鯨)

Whale-watching at Hualien Harbor can go all the way from Cingshui Cliff up north to Yanliao down south; measuring 21km , Cingshui Cliff is a legendary site, holding up against erosion after millions of years of weathering, still standing erect, almost perpendicular, on the Pacific.   

Cruising with the breeze is enjoyment as well as leisure! Expert interpreters on the whale-watching boat will take you through the landscapes and historical legends of Hualien, as well as the biological resources and cetaceans of this land.



▎Hualien restaurant - Dajili Tribal House aboriginal meal (達基力原住民風味餐)

Guo Mama is a aboriginal from taroko gorge. She founded the Dajili Tribal House by a simple thatched cottage more than ten years ago. It offer omakase cuisine, depends on your budget and what kind of seafood they get everyday. The wild vegetables were produced in the season were used as cooking items to create many amazing traditional dishes, which were very popular.

If you are lucky, there will be aboriginals singing and dancing show waiting for you!


Attractions in Ilan

▎Ilan - Fenniaolin Fish Harbor (粉鳥林秘境海灘)

At the southernmost part of Dong'ao Bay is Fenniaolin Fishing Harbor, a unique hidden harbor with clear waters and a quiet and unsophisticated beauty. In early days, many pigeons would gather there, and since pigeons were also called “fenniao”, that became the harbor's name.

There's a certain delight in standing on the layers of tetrapods, watching the vast blue ocean and hearing its white-capped waves wash over and over again onto the beach. Or take a kayak onto the seas and observe the ocean, glimmering under the sun, up close.

Not only can you see a lovely expanse of sky and ocean meeting at Fenniaolin Fishing Harbor, but it's a relatively secret spot with a variety of fish, attracting many avid fishers.

Hualien tour recommend