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Private Driver | Vietnam Itinerary and cost (Ho Chi Minh / Nha Trang / Mui ne)

Southeast Asia Tour Information



Are you planning to travel to Vietnam? In recent years, Ho Chi Minh, Mui Ne, and Nha Trang in Vietnam have gradually become emerging tourist destinations in Asia. Whether traveling with a group or traveling freely, or taking an old chartered car to Vietnam to play, I am most worried about the lack of language, release, etc. Trusted chartered car brands have become a must-have topic for everyone to travel, and searching for comments from all the netizens in the haystack style will eventually step on the mine.

TTtrips According to the pace of the day's travel, it will not limit the time of each attraction. According to the itinerary of the guests (as agreed by the two parties), they will not take guests to other places. If there is a temporary situation on the day, they will also call customer service Flexible adjustment, it is our basic responsibility for everyone to go out and help each other. Here, Orange Cat organizes the charter trips and costs of other members for your reference, so that everyone knows how to go to Vietnam!



胡志明美奈一日遊 春節包車

來自香港旅客的實際包車體驗 (2020/01/28)

  • 費用:NTD 14,430

(包含 : 過路費、加油費、停車費、保險,不包含 : 景點門票、客人食宿、自費活動)

  • 車型:4人提供7座位


Day 1

 0830胡志明市區飯店 > 美奈 > 白沙灘 > 紅沙灘 > 美奈小漁村 > 仙女溪 > 1000抵達胡志明市區飯店



胡志明接送機服務 商務包車

來自台灣旅客的實際商務包車體驗 (2020/01/07)

  • 費用:NTD 2,000
  • 車型:4人提供舒適7座位


Day 1


商務包車需求:請洽客服 | 企業專區


胡志明頭頓一日遊 郵輪包車

來自美國旅客的實際包車體驗 (2020/01/02)

  • 費用:NTD 8,400

(包含 : 過路費、加油費、停車費、保險,不包含 : 景點門票、客人食宿、自費活動)

  • 車型:14人提供16座位
  • 用車時間:10HR/日


Day 1

富美港口Phu My Port-頭頓聖母像-Upside Down House(顛倒屋咖啡)-燈塔-耶穌山- 富美港口Phu My Port

郵輪包車需求:請洽客服 | 富美港口接送



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