Laos Mini Tour

Mini Tour


《Laos》registration and payment instructions




《Laos》registration and payment instructions



[Remittance Account]

808 Yushan Bank Luzhou Branch

Remittance account number: 0820940016517

Account Name: Zhenxin International Travel Service Co., Ltd.

Deposit:  7,560 NTD/1 person


[group fee]

Cost: 18,900 NTD/1 person

*If you are applying for a single person and you are not willing to join other small passengers, you must pay a total of 3,000 NTD/1 person.

Prepaid deposit: 7,560 NTD/1 person will be paid within three days after registration and within three days of registration

Balance: to confirm the open group within two weeks paid


[Refund mechanism]

1. The group needs to have more than  8  participants to determine the group . Once the number of members is confirmed, the registered small passengers will be notified immediately. At the latest, the group will be confirmed and notified at the latest six weeks before the departure . If the number of standard members is not reached, we will refund the deposit balance deducted from the handling fee within  5  working days after the notice .

2. Under the condition that the group can be issued, if the tourist destination is turned off two weeks ago , its travel warning light will turn into an orange warning or a red warning , which is enough to think that it will have doubts about the life, body, health and property safety of the small passenger. The group will be notified immediately and the relevant administrative expenses paid will be deducted within 10 working days after the notice, and the balance of the group will be returned to the members. (Foreign Ministry Travel Alert Light Reference Website:  )

3. In the case of payment of the deposit and the determination of the group, if the member of the group is unable to participate for any reason, the third party can be changed four weeks before the departure (subject to the age registration conditions and telephone access), and the change is increased. The fee will be charged to a third party.

4. Before the members of the group are unable to participate due to any reason and no third party can change, the members must pay a certain percentage of liquidated damages :

1. The contract will be terminated before the 41st day before the start of the tour, and the travel expenses will be compensated by 5%.

2. The contract will be terminated within the 31st to 40th days before the start of the tour, and 10% of the travel expenses will be compensated.

3. The contract will be terminated within the 21st to 30th day before the start of the tour, and 20% of the travel expenses will be compensated.

4. The contract will be terminated within the second day to the twentieth day before the start of the tour, and 30% of the travel expenses will be compensated.

5. The contract will be terminated one day before the start of the tour, and the travel expenses will be 50%.

6. The members shall cancel the contract on the start date or start of the tour or not notify the non-participation, and the compensation for tourism shall be 100%.

The above-mentioned travel expenses as a basis for compensation shall be calculated after deducting the administrative fees.

5. After the start of the tour, due to force majeure factors such as typhoons, earthquakes, floods, wars, volcanic eruptions, etc., when certain trips need to be changed or cancelled, the added costs will not be charged to the members, and the reduced expenses, Will be refunded within 10 working days after the end of the trip .

6. During the itinerary, some trips will be cancelled or changed due to safety factors such as heavy rain due to natural factors such as heavy rain. The cost will be refunded within 10 working days after the end of the trip :

On the third day of the Dragon Riverside yoga , each person will refund  250  Taiwan dollars.

2. On the fourth day of the Wanrong Water Sports , each person will refund  400  Taiwan dollars.

Third, the fifth day of the Wanrong sneak , each person refunded  500  Taiwan dollars.


[Other notes]

1. Single-person registration and willing to join other small passengers or accompanying travellers. The 90th Road will be combined with the double or triple bed room. Everything is based on the current travellers’ arrangements, and it must be different.

2. If the small passenger has any itinerary due to personal factors, such as Wanrong Water Sports, high-altitude zip line, temple visits, etc., the 90th bus will not refund the fee.

3. The daily breakfast is based on the breakfast attached to the hotel. If the hotel does not have breakfast, the small passenger will be taken to the recommended breakfast room, and the table will be ordered by NT$60 per person per day.

4. Travellers may temporarily change or cancel part of the itinerary due to safety factors. The additional fees will not be charged to small passengers, and the reduced fees will be refunded to small passengers after leaving the country.

5. If the disbanding day is due to the cancellation or delay of the small passenger flight due to the force majeure of the country or Taiwan, the 90th Road will provide assistance to the small passengers as much as possible, but the extra cost is due to the end of the national tour. It is strongly absorbed by small passengers, so it is strongly recommended that small passengers guarantee "Travel Inconvenience" .

6. The traveler will assign different travellers according to the planning of the 90th Road . Each traveler has received 90 professional and rigorous training, and will surely lead small passengers to experience a wonderful trip!

《Laos》registration and payment instructions

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